Is there any work around for Flink HA restarting job from failed status without checkpoint/savepoint?
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Is there any work around for Flink HA restarting job from failed status without checkpoint/savepoint?

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Are you tired of dealing with failed Flink jobs and struggling to find a workaround to restart them from a failed status without relying on checkpoints or savepoints? You’re not alone! Many Flink users have been in your shoes, and today, we’re going to explore a solution to this frustrating problem.

Flink’s High Availability (HA) feature is designed to ensure that your jobs can recover from failures and continue processing data without significant interruptions. However, when a job fails, it can be challenging to get it back up and running without a checkpoint or savepoint.

A checkpoint is a snapshot of a Flink job’s state, which allows the job to restart from the last checkpoint in case of a failure. A savepoint, on the other hand, is a manually triggered snapshot of a Flink job’s state, which can be used to restore the job from a specific point in time.

While checkpoints and savepoints are essential features in Flink, there are scenarios where they might not be available or might not be suitable for your use case. For instance, if you’re working with a large dataset, creating a checkpoint or savepoint can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. In such cases, you need a workaround to restart the job from a failed status without relying on these features.

Fortunately, there is a workaround to restart a Flink job from a failed status without relying on checkpoints or savepoints. This approach involves using Flink’s built-in retry mechanism and configuring the job to retry failed tasks.

To enable Flink’s retry mechanism, you need to configure the `restart-strategy` in your Flink job’s configuration file. The restart strategy determines how Flink should behave when a task fails. You can set the restart strategy to `FAILURE_RATE` or `FIXED_DELAY` to enable retries.


In the `FAILURE_RATE` strategy, Flink will retry failed tasks based on a failure rate, which is the number of failures within a specified time window. In the `FIXED_DELAY` strategy, Flink will retry failed tasks after a fixed delay.

Step 2: Configure the Job to Retry Failed Tasks

Once you’ve configured the restart strategy, you need to configure the job to retry failed tasks. You can do this by setting the `max.failures` property in your Flink job’s configuration file.

max.failures: 10

In this example, the job will retry failed tasks up to 10 times before failing completely.

Step 3: Implement a Custom Retry Policy

While Flink’s built-in retry mechanism is useful, it can be limited in certain scenarios. To overcome these limitations, you can implement a custom retry policy using Flink’s `RetryPolicy` interface.

public class CustomRetryPolicy implements RetryPolicy {
  public long getBackoffTime(int attempts) {
    // Implement your custom backoff strategy here
    return 1000; // 1 second delay

In this example, the custom retry policy implements a simple backoff strategy, which increases the delay between retries. You can customize this policy to suit your specific use case.

To integrate the custom retry policy with Flink, you need to create a `RetryConfig` object and pass it to the `ExecutionEnvironment`.

ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
RetryConfig retryConfig = RetryConfig.custom(CustomRetryPolicy.class)
  Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS),

In this example, the custom retry policy is configured to retry failed tasks up to 10 times with a maximum delay of 10 seconds.


While Flink’s built-in retry mechanism and checkpoints/savepoints are essential features, there are scenarios where they might not be suitable. By using Flink’s retry mechanism and configuring the job to retry failed tasks, you can restart a Flink job from a failed status without relying on checkpoints or savepoints. Additionally, implementing a custom retry policy can provide more flexibility and control over the retry process.

Remember, when working with Flink, it’s essential to understand the nuances of the retry mechanism and configure it correctly to ensure your jobs can recover from failures. By following these steps, you can overcome the limitations of Flink’s retry mechanism and build more resilient Flink applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between a checkpoint and a savepoint?

A: A checkpoint is a snapshot of a Flink job’s state, which is created automatically by Flink. A savepoint, on the other hand, is a manually triggered snapshot of a Flink job’s state, which can be used to restore the job from a specific point in time.

A: Yes, you can use the retry mechanism with Flink’s HA feature. In fact, the retry mechanism is an essential part of Flink’s HA feature, which ensures that jobs can recover from failures and continue processing data without significant interruptions.

A: You can implement a custom retry policy in Flink by creating a class that implements the `RetryPolicy` interface. This interface provides a single method, `getBackoffTime`, which determines the delay between retries. You can customize this method to suit your specific use case.

Retry Mechanism Description
FAILURE_RATE Flink will retry failed tasks based on a failure rate, which is the number of failures within a specified time window.
FIXED_DELAY Flink will retry failed tasks after a fixed delay.

By now, you should have a clear understanding of how to restart a Flink job from a failed status without relying on checkpoints or savepoints. Remember to configure the retry mechanism correctly and implement a custom retry policy if needed to ensure your Flink applications can recover from failures and continue processing data without significant interruptions.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Flink HA and find out if there’s a way to restart a job from failed status without checkpoint/savepoint!

Can I use Flink’s built-in retry mechanism to restart a job from failed status?

Yes, you can! Flink’s retry mechanism allows you to configure the number of retries and the retry interval. However, this approach has its limitations. For instance, if the job fails consistently due to a configuration issue, retries won’t help. In that case, you’ll need to look into other workarounds.

Is it possible to modify the Flink configuration to skip checkpoint/savepoint and restart the job from the last successful checkpoint?

Unfortunately, no. Flink’s HA mechanism relies heavily on checkpoints and savepoints to ensure consistency and fault-tolerance. Skipping these mechanisms altogether is not possible, as it would compromise the integrity of your data processing pipeline.

Can I use an external scheduler to restart the Flink job from failed status?

That’s an interesting approach! Yes, you can use an external scheduler, such as Apache Airflow or Apache Oozie, to monitor the Flink job and restart it upon failure. This way, you can circumvent Flink’s internal HA mechanism and implement a custom retry logic. However, this requires additional infrastructure and configuration effort.

Are there any third-party solutions or plugins that can help restart a Flink job from failed status without checkpoint/savepoint?

While there aren’t any official Flink plugins, some third-party solutions and libraries, like Flink Kubernetes Operator, might provide the functionality you’re looking for. These solutions often come with additional requirements and dependencies, so be sure to evaluate their compatibility and feasibility for your use case.

What’s the best practice to avoid Flink job failures and minimize the need for workarounds?

Prevention is the best medicine! Ensure you have a robust Flink configuration, monitor your job’s performance closely, and implement robust error handling mechanisms. Regularly check your data sources, processing logic, and output sinks to identify potential issues before they cause failures. A well-designed and well-maintained Flink application will minimize the need for workarounds and reduce the likelihood of job failures.

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