Unleash the Power of Keycloak v25: Enable Exchange-Token for Seamless Integration
Image by Alojz - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleash the Power of Keycloak v25: Enable Exchange-Token for Seamless Integration

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Welcome to the world of Single Sign-On (SSO) and Identity Management, where Keycloak v25 takes center stage! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the exciting feature of enabling Exchange-Token in Keycloak v25. This powerful token will revolutionize the way you handle authentication and authorization in your applications. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is Exchange-Token in Keycloak v25?

In Keycloak v25, the Exchange-Token is a token that allows clients to exchange an authorization code for an access token. This token is essential for completing the authorization flow, ensuring that users are authenticated and authorized to access protected resources. Think of it as a golden key that unlocks the gates to secure and seamless authentication.

Why Enable Exchange-Token in Keycloak v25?

Enabling Exchange-Token in Keycloak v25 offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Streamlined Authentication**: With Exchange-Token, clients can exchange an authorization code for an access token in a single request, reducing the complexity of authentication flows.
  • Improved Security**: The Exchange-Token ensures that tokens are issued and validated securely, protecting against unauthorized access and token theft.
  • Enhanced User Experience**: By leveraging Exchange-Token, users can enjoy a seamless authentication experience, without being prompted to re-enter credentials or re-authenticate.

Step-by-Step Guide to Enable Exchange-Token in Keycloak v25

Now that we’ve covered the what and why, let’s get hands-on and enable Exchange-Token in Keycloak v25!


Before we begin, make sure you have:

  • Keycloak v25 installed and configured on your server.
  • A Realm created in Keycloak v25.
  • A Client created in Keycloak v25, with the openid-connect protocol enabled.

Step 1: Configure the Client

In the Keycloak v25 console, navigate to the Clients tab and select the Client you created earlier. Scroll down to the section and click on Advanced Settings.

      <label> Advanced Settings </label>
      <button> Advanced Settings </button>

Step 2: Enable Exchange-Token

In the Advanced Settings section, scroll down to the Token Settings subsection and toggle the Exchange Token switch to ON.

      <label> Token Settings </label>
          <td> Exchange Token </td>
              <input type="checkbox" checked="true" />
              <label> ON </label>

Step 3: Configure the Realm

Navigate to the Realm Settings tab and scroll down to the Tokens subsection. Ensure that the Exchange Token toggle is set to ON.

      <label> Realm Settings </label>
          <td> Tokens </td>
              <input type="checkbox" checked="true" />
              <label> ON </label>

Testing Exchange-Token in Keycloak v25

Now that we’ve enabled Exchange-Token, let’s test it to ensure it’s working as expected!

Obtaining an Authorization Code

Using a tool like cURL or a REST client, send a request to the Keycloak v25 authorization endpoint to obtain an authorization code:

    curl -X GET \
      https://your-keycloak-server.auth/realms/your-realm/protocol/openid-connect/auth? \
      client_id=your-client-id \
      &redirect_uri=https://your-redirect-uri.com \
      &scope=openid \

Exchanging the Authorization Code for an Access Token

Using the authorization code obtained in the previous step, exchange it for an access token:

    curl -X POST \
      https://your-keycloak-server.auth/realms/your-realm/protocol/openid-connect/token \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
      -d 'grant_type=authorization_code' \
      -d 'code=your-authorization-code' \
      -d 'redirect_uri=https://your-redirect-uri.com'

Verify the Response

The response should contain an access token, which you can use to access protected resources. Verify the token by decoding it using a tool like jwt.io:

      "access_token": "your-access-token",
      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": 300


Congratulations! You’ve successfully enabled Exchange-Token in Keycloak v25, unlocking a world of seamless authentication and authorization possibilities. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve taken the first step towards building secure and scalable applications that leverage the power of Keycloak v25.

Additional Resources

For more information on Keycloak v25 and its features, check out the official documentation:

Remember, the power of Keycloak v25 lies in its flexibility and customization options. Experiment with different configurations and features to unlock the full potential of your Identity Management solutions.

Happy coding, and see you in the next tutorial!

Frequently Asked Question

Unlock the power of Keycloak v25! Get answers to your burning questions about enabling Exchange-token.

What is Exchange-token in Keycloak v25, and why is it important?

Exchange-token is a feature in Keycloak v25 that allows users to exchange their access tokens for a new one with a different set of permissions. This is crucial when you need to delegate access control to another service or application. By enabling Exchange-token, you can ensure secure and flexible token management, making it easier to integrate with other systems.

How do I enable Exchange-token in Keycloak v25?

To enable Exchange-token, navigate to the Keycloak v25 console, go to the ‘Realm Settings’ page, and toggle the ‘Exchange Token’ switch to ‘On’. You can also configure additional settings, such as the token expiration and refresh intervals, to fine-tune the feature to your needs.

What are the benefits of using Exchange-token in Keycloak v25?

By using Exchange-token, you can delegate access control to other services, enable token refresh and rotation, and improve overall security by limiting the exposure of sensitive tokens. Additionally, Exchange-token simplifies token management, making it easier to integrate with other systems and applications.

Are there any security considerations I should be aware of when enabling Exchange-token in Keycloak v25?

Yes, when enabling Exchange-token, make sure to carefully configure the token expiration and refresh intervals to prevent token abuse. Additionally, ensure that the Exchange-token feature is only accessible to trusted services and applications to prevent unauthorized token exchange.

Can I customize the Exchange-token feature in Keycloak v25 to fit my specific use case?

Yes, Keycloak v25 provides a range of customization options for the Exchange-token feature. You can tailor the token format, expiration, and refresh intervals to suit your specific use case. Additionally, you can use custom scripts and plugins to extend the feature’s functionality and integrate it with other systems.

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