Aligning a Logo in the Navbar Header of an R Shiny App using bslib: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Alojz -

Aligning a Logo in the Navbar Header of an R Shiny App using bslib: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of wrestling with the alignment of your logo in the navbar header of your R Shiny app created using bslib? Well, you’re not alone! Many developers struggle to get their logo perfectly aligned, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of aligning your logo like a pro.

What is bslib, and Why Should I Care?

bslib is a popular R package that allows you to create beautiful, responsive, and mobile-friendly Shiny applications using Bootstrap 4. It provides a range of customizable components, including navigation bars, that can be easily integrated into your app. But, as with any powerful tool, comes great complexity, and that’s where alignment issues come into play.

Aligning a logo in the navbar header of your R Shiny app can be a daunting task, especially for those new to bslib. The default behavior of bslib’s navbar is to left-align the brand logo, which may not be ideal for your app’s design. Luckily, with a few tweaks and some clever CSS, you can get your logo perfectly aligned in no time.

Step 1: Create a Basic Navbar with bslib

Before we dive into aligning our logo, let’s create a basic navbar using bslib. You can use the following code as a starting point:


ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = bs_theme(version = 4),
    "My App",
    id = "nav",
      tabPanel("Tab 1"),
      tabPanel("Tab 2")

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

What’s Happening Here?

In the above code, we’re creating a basic Shiny app with a navbar page using bslib. We’re specifying the Bootstrap 4 theme and creating a navbar with a menu that contains two tab panels. Notice that we haven’t added a logo yet – that’s coming up next!

Step 2: Add a Logo to the Navbar

To add a logo to our navbar, we’ll use the `brand` argument within the `navbarPage` function. Let’s assume we have a logo image named `logo.png` in our working directory. We can add it to our navbar like this:

ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = bs_theme(version = 4),
    "My App",
    id = "nav",
    brand = a(h1(img(src = "logo.png", height = 30))),
      tabPanel("Tab 1"),
      tabPanel("Tab 2")

What’s Happening Here?

In this step, we’re adding a logo to our navbar using the `brand` argument. We’re creating an anchor tag (`a`) that contains an `h1` element, which in turn holds the logo image using the `img` function. We’ve set the logo’s height to 30 pixels, but you can adjust this to suit your needs.

Now that we have our logo in place, it’s time to align it. By default, the logo will be left-aligned, but we can use CSS to change this behavior. Let’s add the following code to our UI:

ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = bs_theme(version = 4),
    "My App",
    id = "nav",
    brand = a(h1(img(src = "logo.png", height = 30))),
      tabPanel("Tab 1"),
      tabPanel("Tab 2")
      .navbar-brand {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;

What’s Happening Here?

In this step, we’re using the `tags$style` function to add some custom CSS to our navbar. We’re targeting the `.navbar-brand` class, which is the container element for our logo, and applying two styles:

  • `display: flex;` – This sets the display property of the container to flex, allowing us to use flexbox layout.
  • `justify-content: center;` – This centers the logo horizontally within the container.

By applying these styles, we’ve successfully aligned our logo in the navbar header! You can adjust the CSS to suit your specific needs, such as changing the alignment to right or left.

Common Issues and Solutions

As with any complex layout, you may encounter some issues when aligning your logo. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Logo is not centering Check that you’ve added the correct CSS styles to your navbar. Make sure the `.navbar-brand` class is correctly targeted.
Logo is overlapping with menu items Adjust the padding and margin styles for the `.navbar-brand` class to create more space between the logo and menu items.
Logo is not responsive Use media queries to apply different styles to the logo based on screen size. For example, you can use a smaller logo size on smaller screens.


Aligning a logo in the navbar header of an R Shiny app created using bslib can be a challenge, but with the right techniques and CSS, you can achieve a beautifully aligned logo that enhances your app’s design. Remember to experiment with different styles and layouts to find the perfect fit for your app. Happy coding!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re always here to help.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to align your logo in the navbar header of your R shiny app created using bslib? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get started:

What is the most common way to align a logo in the navbar header?

You can use the `navbarBrand()` function from the `bslib` package and specify the `align` argument to “left”, “center”, or “right” to align your logo accordingly. For example, `navbarBrand(“logo.png”, align = “left”)` will align your logo to the left side of the navbar header.

Can I use CSS to customize the logo alignment?

Yes, you can use CSS to customize the logo alignment by targeting the `.navbar-brand` class. For example, you can add the following code to your CSS file: `.navbar-brand { text-align: center; }` to center-align your logo.

What if I want to align the logo to the right side of the navbar header?

Easy peasy! Simply use the `navbarBrand()` function with the `align` argument set to “right”, like this: `navbarBrand(“logo.png”, align = “right”)`. This will align your logo to the right side of the navbar header.

Can I use a combination of CSS and bslib to align my logo?

Absolutely! You can use CSS to style the logo and bslib to position it within the navbar header. For example, you can use CSS to set the logo’s width and height, and then use bslib’s `navbarBrand()` function to align it to the desired position.

What if I’m using a custom navbar template, can I still align my logo using bslib?

Yes, you can! bslib provides a flexible way to customize the navbar header, including aligning the logo. You can use the `navbarBrand()` function in conjunction with your custom navbar template to align the logo to your desired position.

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