Parsing Scan Code Event Data Received from a Character Device in Linux
Image by Alojz -

Parsing Scan Code Event Data Received from a Character Device in Linux

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Unlocking the Secrets of Scan Code Event Data

As a Linux enthusiast, you may have stumbled upon character devices that emit scan code event data. But, have you ever wondered what this data means and how to parse it? In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to demystify scan code event data and provide you with the tools to unlock its secrets.

What is Scan Code Event Data?

Scan code event data is a type of input data generated by devices such as keyboards, barcode scanners, and other input devices. These devices send a stream of data to the Linux kernel, which is then processed and made available to applications. The data typically includes information about the key presses, releases, and other events.

Why Parse Scan Code Event Data?

Parsing scan code event data is essential for various applications, including:

  • Customized keyboard handling for specific applications
  • Barcode scanning and inventory management systems
  • Custom input devices for gaming, simulation, or accessibility purposes
  • Device driver development and testing

Understanding the Scan Code Event Data Format

The scan code event data format is a binary structure that consists of a header and a payload. The header contains metadata about the event, while the payload carries the actual event data.

struct input_event {
  struct timeval time;
  ushort type;
  ushort code;
  ulong value;

The `input_event` structure has four members:

  • `time`: a timestamp representing when the event occurred
  • `type`: the type of event (e.g., key press, key release, etc.)
  • `code`: the scan code or identifier of the key or event
  • `value`: the value associated with the event (e.g., 1 for key press, 0 for key release)

Reading Scan Code Event Data from a Character Device

To read scan code event data from a character device, you’ll need to:

  1. Open the character device file in read mode using the `open()` system call
  2. Use the `read()` system call to read the event data from the device
  3. Parse the event data using the `input_event` structure

int fd = open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
  perror("Failed to open device");
  return 1;

struct input_event ev;
while (read(fd, &ev, sizeof(ev)) == sizeof(ev)) {
  // Parse and process the event data
  printf("Event type: %d, Code: %d, Value: %d\n", ev.type, ev.code, ev.value);

Parsing Scan Code Event Data

Now that you have the event data, it's time to parse and understand its contents. The `input_event` structure provides a wealth of information about the event.

Event Types

The `type` member of the `input_event` structure indicates the type of event. The most common event types are:

Event Type Description
EV_SYN Synchronization event
EV_KEY Key press or release event
EV_REL Relative movement event (e.g., mouse movement)
EV_ABS Absolute movement event (e.g., joystick movement)

Scan Codes and Key Mappings

The `code` member of the `input_event` structure represents the scan code or identifier of the key or event. You can use the `getkeycode()` function from the `libinput` library to map the scan code to a human-readable key code.


struct libinput *li = libinput_device_new_from_fd(fd);
struct libinput_event *event = libinput_get_event(li);
struct libinput_event_keyboard *keyboard_event = libinput_event_get_keyboard_event(event);
int keycode = getkeycode(keyboard_event->code);
printf("Key code: %d\n", keycode);

Processing Event Data

With the parsed event data, you can now process and react to the events. This may involve:

  • Handling key presses and releases for customized keyboard handling
  • Decoding barcode data from a barcode scanner
  • Processing movement data from a joystick or other input device
  • Generating keyboard events for simulation or accessibility purposes


Parsing scan code event data received from a character device in Linux requires a solid understanding of the event data format, character devices, and input event processing. By following this guide, you should now be equipped to unlock the secrets of scan code event data and create innovative applications that interact with character devices.

Remember to check the Linux kernel documentation and the `libinput` library documentation for more information on parsing scan code event data and working with character devices.

Further Reading

Happy coding, and may the code be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get your burning questions answered about parsing scan code event data received from a character device in Linux!

What is scan code event data, and why do I need to parse it?

Scan code event data refers to the raw data received from a character device, such as a keyboard or barcode scanner, in Linux. Parsing this data is essential to extract meaningful information, like keystrokes or scanned codes, and use it in your application. Think of it like deciphering a secret code - without parsing, the data is useless!

How do I access the character device in Linux to receive scan code event data?

You can access the character device by opening the corresponding device file in your Linux system, typically found in the `/dev` directory. For example, to access a keyboard, you might use `/dev/input/event0`. You'll need to use system calls like `open()` and `read()` to interact with the device and receive the event data.

What is the format of scan code event data, and how do I parse it?

The format of scan code event data varies depending on the device, but it usually consists of a header followed by event data. In Linux, the `input_event` structure is commonly used to represent event data. You can parse this data by using the `input_event` structure to extract information like event type, code, and value. Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds - with the right libraries and documentation, you'll be parsing like a pro!

Can I use existing libraries or tools to parse scan code event data?

Yes, you can use existing libraries and tools to simplify the parsing process! Linux provides libraries like `libinput` and `input-utils` that offer functions to parse and handle event data. Additionally, you can use command-line tools like `evtest` or `input-events` to inspect and debug event data. These resources will save you time and effort, so don't be afraid to take advantage of them!

How do I handle errors and exceptions when parsing scan code event data?

When parsing scan code event data, it's essential to handle errors and exceptions gracefully. Be prepared to catch errors like device connection failures, invalid event data, or parsing errors. Use error-handling mechanisms like try-catch blocks and error codes to detect and respond to issues. Don't let unexpected errors crash your application - be proactive and write robust code to ensure a smooth user experience!

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